Is anyone using AWS `assumeRole` from Inline progr...
# dotnet
Is anyone using AWS
from Inline program? Appreciate an example if someone has one. It’s pretty straight-forward to set AWS region
await stack.SetConfigAsync("aws:region", new ConfigValue("us-east-1"));
I’m trying to figure out how to pass in the assumeRole settings using the same approach as the region.
tried this
await stack.SetConfigAsync("aws:assumeRole.roleArn", new ConfigValue("arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/mcrTestPulumi"));
also tried passing in assumeRole setting
var assumeRoleSettings = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary<string, object>
new Dictionary<string, object?>
{ "roleArn", "arn:aws:iam::xxxx:role/mcrTestPulumi" }
Copy code
got this to work
var assumeRoleSettings2 = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "roleArn", "arn:aws:iam::504653139595:role/mcrTestPulumi" }
await stack.SetConfigAsync("aws:assumeRole", new ConfigValue(assumeRoleSettings2));
I had some odd error messages regarding my config, that I wasn’t able to troubleshoot. I had to delete my stack and then got things going with the above command.
Can you use the AWS provider with Inline program?
piggybacking on what michael is doing, it seems when using an s3 backend, it doesn’t assume-role when accessing s3. is there a way to configure assume-role for the s3 backend?
Can you use the AWS provider with Inline program?
I would expect so as that's just another way to wire up the program body