Cross post from general, as this channel seems to ...
# automation-api
Cross post from general, as this channel seems to be more appropriate: 👋 Hi everyone! Does anyone managed to run Pulumi automation as function under AWS Lambda? I think this sample can be easily packaged, except it have Pulumi cli in requirements, which I am not sure how to package into lambda image. (I mean easily). If anyone tried and succeed or failed would be good to discuss.
Given that you'd need the Pulumi binaries, the plugin binaries, and all the libraries, I'd guess that the end result would be too big for a lambda. This might be better suited to containers.
At some point I managed to squeeze pytorch library into lambda, I doubt size would be an issue - I think it would additional hassle to package it, unless there is a Pulumi supported.
you are right limit still 250 MB for custom runtime. I am still hopeful pulumi is not on par with numpy/pandas/pytorch (1 GB library)
To rephrase the question: are any known obstacles which will prevent packaging Pulumi into container as any other Python program?
You would also need a user and a home directory. Do lambdas support that? Honestly, even if this were possible, it's unlikely to be worth it. When the automation-api is changed to not rely on the CLI it might be worth trying, but until then, stick with containers.
BTW Pulumi isn't a python program. Pulumi programs can be python programs, but Pulumi is a golang program.
Thank you, I will make is easy for myself by sticking to small dedicated server for automation or containers.
We created a custom AWS container to run our lambda in and install the Pulumi CLI in that container:
@famous-magician-5742 so there are no challenges and there is at least one success story. Thank you.