Has anyone else run into the issue where you attem...
# aws
Has anyone else run into the issue where you attempt to upgrade pulumi from 1.x to 3.x, only to find there are a number of breaking changes, so in turn you revert back to 1.x, now faced with the problem where you can no longer get a StackReference to that stack?
Have to tried upgrading to Pulumi v2 first, following the migration guide?
interesting - i did not see any mention of upgrading to 2.0 before upgrading to 3.0. Is that a definite requirement?
No, but it might help to find the regression easier, or at minimum move 1 MAJOR release up.
It's also worth noting the the classic AWS provider (which depends on the terraform AWS provider) has breaking changes regarding authentication and s3 buckets.
… and EC2 instance profiles (if you’re going to be using that for pulumi’s AWS authentication)!
is it recommended to switch from aws classic to native?
Not yet, unless you know your resources are supported, or you want to mix providers. The AWS CloudControl API needs more coverage.
makes sense - with gcp i needed to mix classic and native