Anybody else encounter the "This is almost certain...
# aws
Anybody else encounter the "This is almost certainly a bug in the
provider" when trying to import Subnets? I'm trying to import some default vpc subnets into pulumi control and get this after a
pulumi import...
pulumi import aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet defaultVpcSubnet2d subnet-BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH
Copy code
warning: One or more imported inputs failed to validate. This is almost certainly a bug in the `aws` provider. The import will still proceed, but you will need to edit the generated code after copying it into your program.
    warning: aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet resource 'defaultVpcSubnet2d' has a problem: Conflicting configuration arguments: "availability_zone": conflicts with availability_zone_id. Examine values at 'Subnet.AvailabilityZone'.
    warning: aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet resource 'defaultVpcSubnet2d' has a problem: Conflicting configuration arguments: "availability_zone_id": conflicts with availability_zone. Examine values at 'Subnet.AvailabilityZoneId'.
but the subnet zones and zone IDs seem to match - any workaround?
I went ahead and tried to run pulumi up anyway, and get the same errors
do these props even need to be specified in the imported code?
Seems to have been fixed by removing
from each Subnet block