Hi beautiful people, I’m having some issues ignori...
# golang
Hi beautiful people, I’m having some issues ignoring changes, I have the current scenario: In the screenshot you can see that the installation of a helm chart shows changes, I’d like to ignore these, what do I do? I tried:
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Full code:
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_, err = helm.NewChart(ctx, "load-balancer-controller", helm.ChartArgs{
		Chart:     pulumi.String("aws-load-balancer-controller"),
		Version:   pulumi.String("1.4.3"),
		Namespace: pulumi.String(lbcNamespace),
		FetchArgs: helm.FetchArgs{
			Repo: pulumi.String("<https://aws.github.io/eks-charts>"),
		Values: pulumi.Map{
			"clusterName": eksCluster.Name,
			"serviceAccount": pulumi.Map{
				"create": pulumi.BoolPtr(false),
				"name":   lbcServiceAccount.Metadata.Name(),
	}, pulumi.Provider(k8sProvider),
None worked. Any help welcome 🙇
Or I should read the warning message and this won’t actually work
I am actually facing a similar problem Ákos with ignore change not propagating to a child resource
I tried using transformations too. But that gave the same warning
I was just looking at transformations for this, guess I won’t 😄
I am not using golang so cant comment if the behaviour is similar.
From what I can see, you need to do that
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pulumi.IgnoreChanges([]string{"data", "webhooks"})
New code based on your suggestion:
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_, err = helm.NewChart(ctx, "load-balancer-controller", helm.ChartArgs{
		Chart:     pulumi.String("aws-load-balancer-controller"),
		Version:   pulumi.String("1.4.3"),
		Namespace: pulumi.String(lbcNamespace),
		FetchArgs: helm.FetchArgs{
			Repo: pulumi.String("<https://aws.github.io/eks-charts>"),
		Values: pulumi.Map{
			"clusterName": eksCluster.Name,
			"serviceAccount": pulumi.Map{
				"create": pulumi.BoolPtr(false),
				"name":   lbcServiceAccount.Metadata.Name(),
	}, pulumi.Provider(k8sProvider),
		pulumi.IgnoreChanges([]string{"data", "webhooks"}),
In the output I still see them changing: