Why is this a ghost town?
# azure
Why is this a ghost town?
Just numbers. It's a community driven slack and this is a secondary channel that has 1/8th of the total users of the server. You can always post on GitHub issues or GitHub discussions as well, you have other avenues.
Echoing what Josh said, also curious if you could expand what you mean?
My bad, the other channels are active, but don’t see a lot of answers on the #azure channel. Seems surprising.
I endeavour to answer everything I can, but the last week I've been at conferences and at the Pulumi staff wellness week. If there's something outstanding I'd love to get it answered
That being said, been using Pulumi some some pretty cool stuff at work. Standing up a 2-tiered LB’ed set of VM Scale sets with the Azure pipelines agent already installed so I can immediately deploy to it.
partypus 8bit 1
That sounds awesome!
Yeah, I am wondering how you would import an existing loadbalancer rule into a yaml.
You should just be able to use pulumi import
Some of the examples list things that already exist, but in this case, I’m defining them within the loadbalancer entry itself, so maybe I need output variables?
But yeah, I suppose if I set something up the way I want on the Azure UI, I’d just import it from pulumi into the stack
struggling to picture what you’re saying, do you have some existing code you want to add something to?
yeah, I’m building a setup like this: LB 2 windows VMs LB 2 windows VMs I have frontend IP configs for both, so now I’m setting up load balancer rules for each. So just wondering what you’d advise as the best way to add to that yaml. Set it up in azure and them import it, or write out the yaml and push it with pulumi up
the latter definitely, because you’ll likely need to have ouputs from the vms as inputs into the lb
I'm probably not using outputs correctly 😅
can you share the code you already have? i can probably help get you where you need to be