Hi, i want to know if <tf2pulumi> can convert hcl ...
# general
Hi, i want to know if tf2pulumi can convert hcl to go language, i just see https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/adopting/from_terraform/ that tf2pulumi generate a Pulumi TypeScript program, it doesn't matter what language your project created
Yes it should support any of the languages. On the page there are language selectors to change which language you want to see docs for. To generate go code just add
--target-language go
to the tf2pulumi command.
when i add allow-missing-plugins param, like tf2pulumi --target-language go --allow-missing-plugins, this error also occured------ error: no resource plugin 'docker' found in the workspace or on your $PATH
try running
pulumi plugin install resource docker
thank you, it works. I have another question on importing Resources, https://github.com/pulumi/tf2pulumi/tree/master/misc support that import existing resource states from a
file, but it limited for ts or golang
don't python or other support on importing existing resource states?
Not currently, I know the team that own tf2pulumi do have more work for it planned this year so improvements are coming. Feel free to raise issues on the github repo for things you'd consider useful.
Got it, thank you
the tf2pulumi use pulumi's sdk version of v1.13.1, but the newest pulumi version is v3, how do i use tf2pulumi with the newest pulumi of v3