Hey everyone I'm Dheeraj Ghosh. :wave: Professiona...
# contribute
Hey everyone I'm Dheeraj Ghosh. 👋 Professionally, I work as a community manager for open source through Aviyel. I really like the idea behind Pulumi and am looking forward to spread the word through some non-code ways (like an event or blog). I was wondering if it would be fine with the team?
totally fine! go forth and spread the word!
Hey @billowy-army-68599 Thanks for the reply! I have some ideas of contribution, It would we great if I can explain it to you in a DM
is it not possible to do it in public
Yes we can.., so let me tell you I was thinking of some non code contributions like these: 1. AMA (Blog or Video event) with somebody from your team. for example:


2. A contributor guide for your new members like this https://aviyel.com/post/3369 . if you find this useful I would be happy to contribute and would love to hear your thoughts on this. Also for more context, Aviyel is a platform for open source projects to build sustainable communities through quality interactions, knowledge sharing, granular insights on community activities, and rewarding both code and non-code contributions.