Having alot of issues with my typescript intellise...
# typescript
Having alot of issues with my typescript intellisense breaking in VSCode after running for about 5 minutes, anyone have similar issues and able to find a resolution? I haven't been able to find one that works for me
How does it break?
Intellisense stops functioning, theres a spinning circle next to the typescript engine in the bottom right corner that says typescript is loading or something like that, and I get a popup saying typescript has crashed 5 times in the last 5 minutes. I'll paste a screenshot when it happens again - when I restart VSCode it works again for about 5 minutes or so.
Hmm I'd be tempted to reinstall your language server implementation. I've never seen that tbh
so basically this never loads
Are you by any chance hosting multiple TypeScript projects in the same VS Code workspace? I’ve noticed this lately myself when I open a folder containing multiple TypeScript projects and have .ts files open from more than one of them. My solution has been just to run one project per workspace. Bit tedious at times, but works.
Same symptoms as what you show here — initializing forever, then dies.
Haven’t had time to get to the bottom of it, but the workaround’s worked for me. 😊
Yes, our team has the same problem. We all get this issue (different setups/machines/OS but all using VSCode), and "solving" it the same way as @miniature-musician-31262.
Yes I am hosting multiple, I will try one at a time but sometimes I compare them so it would be preferable to have multiple open haha
👍 1
Wow, I'd been struggling with this forever. Thanks @miniature-musician-31262 and @able-bird-91336 for the workaround.
👍 2
The workaround did work for me too, but its still not ideal