I'm trying to put a managed user identity on a sca...
# general
I'm trying to put a managed user identity on a scale set, the weird thing is the syntax for the identity is to have the resourceid of the managed identity as the propertyid. However, I want the resource ID to be variable. Anyone know how to achieve this, it may be a typescript syntax thing?
userIdentity = '/subscriptions/555-555-555-555-555-555/resourcegroups/fake/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/Fakeidentity';
automationIdentity = '/subscriptions/555-555-555-555-555-555/resourcegroups/fake/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/Fakeidentity2';
new azure_native.compute.VirtualMachineScaleSet(vmssname,{
identity: {
type: "UserAssigned",
userAssignedIdentities:{ userIdentity: {},
automationIdentity: {},