`stderr: error: failed to discover plugin requirem...
# dotnet
stderr: error: failed to discover plugin requirements: unexpected output from 'dotnet list package --include-transitive'. Program does not appear to reference any 'Pulumi.*' packages
Any idea what this really means (GitHub action output)? Bare bones Pulumi csproj.
Build output looks fine. It’s just the github action failing me.
Copy code
pulumi:pulumi:Stack myproj-test  'dotnet build -nologo .' completed successfully
@elegant-window-55250 ..?
depend on an older .NET SDK?
no idea how to debug this
👋 1
Can you share an example?
It just started working without any change. Not sure what gives. But anyhoo, it’s a basic dotnet project (.NET 6). The pulumi CLI works fine locally and it works in the action (it shows up in the Pulumi logs in the portal as well).
But the GH action thinks the .NET proj does not have correct deps, even after successfully building and running a preview.
Possibly an issue with the working directory of the GH action? When the pulumi CLI executes on a .NET Pulumi Project it is builds it, and then it uses
dotnet list package
to find the referenced NuGet packages of the project it just built in order to determine what pulumi plugins it needs to install via
pulumi plugin install
in order for you pulumi up invocation to execute. So it is this element of plugin discovery that is failing for some reason. Short of this functioning you would need to install the pulumi plugins yourself before running pulumi up
But if pulumi is building and then doing a preview and then giving this error, it sounds like a bug
pulumi is building and then doing a preview and then giving this error, it sounds like a bug
Yup. Intermittent as well :S