Hi, I’m new to Pulumi (not very adept in go either...
# golang
Hi, I’m new to Pulumi (not very adept in go either), and am trying to use a Provider output from
to create a resource in the newly created cluster. Given it’s an output type, I figured I’d need to use an
(can’t pass it in directly as a pulumi ResourceOption), and though there have been many examples here in Slack and online, I am still having trouble using it. I have given an attempt, and know I am doing it wrong, but can’t seem to progress forward. if anyone has any suggestions, that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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k8sProvider := eksCluster.Provider.ApplyT(
			func(cluster kubernetes.Provider) kubernetes.Provider {
				return cluster
you don’t need an apply, you just need to pass it.
what code do you have to create your cluster, and where would you like to pass it>?
oh, I see, we create the resources for the cluster within the ApplyT. I’ll give this a try out, thank you for the the reference to the example! should’ve checked there first 😅
I don’t think it’s necessary to wrap all of your resources in the ApplyT. There are some bugs that make it weird ( I think the provider exported is broken ), but you can construct your own from the kubeconfig:
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// Save a kube provider for later use
	kubeconfig := awsCluster.cluster.Kubeconfig.ApplyT(func(k interface{}) (string, error) {
		data, err := json.Marshal(k)
		if err != nil {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("kubeconfig is not a string")
		return string(data), nil

	kubeProvider, err := kubernetes.NewProvider(ctx, awsCluster.Name, &kubernetes.ProviderArgs{
		Kubeconfig: kubeconfig,
	if err != nil {
		return err
is the output of an
ah okay, i am not building out many of the kubernetes resources out through pulumi (yet), just a couple of the building blocks needed for our env. but this a good alternative to consider. the resource i’m wrapping in the apply is just an encrypted storageclass and didnt have any issues with it in the exported provider
Cool, yeah, that makes a lot of sense then. We’re adding a lot of things to the cluster in Pulumi, so it is much much nicer to be able to break out of the ApplyT