# aws
What's not working for you in the example? Is the code not running? Examples in bridged providers like AWS Classic are automatically converted from the upstream TF provider repo, so if there's a bug in the conversion, we'd obviously like to address it.
The example code is not valid typescript. its complains about pretty much everything. also the example is doing something like this
Copy code
It looks like this is a known issue. First, could you upvote and maybe comment on this GH issue: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/2064 Second, per the comments in that issue, it looks like there's some better example code here: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/blob/master/aws-apigateway-ts-routes/dns.ts Hope this gets you unstuck.
Well i solved it right after i posted the message here. its just confusing to read the example
Thank you though 🙂