<@UKHFQ233Q> FYI, I will continue after the weeken...
# pulumiverse
@big-architect-71258 FYI, I will continue after the weekend. I hope I have an answer on this by then: https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/30927
👍🏼 1
@limited-rainbow-51650 you need
content: write
and no
packages: write
any longer?
yup, packages is the sdks
Yeah, but these aren’t published on Github Packages, so I would assume I can drop that permission.
@billowy-army-68599 @limited-rainbow-51650 the Python and Go SDKs were out of sync with resourecs.go and thus the publishing failed. Could someone review my PR https://github.com/pulumiverse/pulumi-time/pull/11 🙏🏼
@big-architect-71258 only deleted files, no new files?
👍🏼 1
@limited-rainbow-51650 yup! Issued
make clean
-> removed ALL SDKs and then
make build_sdks
-> result: only deleted files.
👌🏼 1
@limited-rainbow-51650 thanks for approving my PR? What's the preffered way to define a new Release? Simply pushing a tag or something else? @billowy-army-68599
If your workflows are configured correctly, just git tag thre new version and push it, goreleaser should do the rest
👍🏼 1
@billowy-army-68599 That's what I hoped 😁
@limited-rainbow-51650 @billowy-army-68599 that didn't fix the issue that the task
Check worktree clean
fails on the GO SDK. Obviously there is difference how the SDK is generated on the build agent and on my local machine. Right now I don't have any clue what the reason is. Any ideas are helpful @billowy-army-68599 https://github.com/pulumiverse/pulumi-time/runs/8040390645?check_suite_focus=true
At least the Python SDK got published :+1
@big-architect-71258 that’s likely because your local go version doesn’t match the one in the runner
@billowy-army-68599 Thanks for the hint. Yes, on my local machine I do have Go 1.19 and the runner is using 1.18. I'll try to update the GO SDK with GO 1.18 and file a PR. Are you available for review today? I think @limited-rainbow-51650 has left for the weekend.
I can review but don’t have any merge perms
♥️ 1
i’d update the workflow to 1.19
@billowy-army-68599 I recreated the SDKs with Go 1.18 no need to upgrade to Go 1.19. I do have merge perms on the Time provider, because I'm the maintainer. As @limited-rainbow-51650 told me yesterday.
@limited-rainbow-51650 The build process passed. What's next? Or are we done for now?