I’m confused about why Pulumi still tries to delet...
# aws
I’m confused about why Pulumi still tries to delete my VPC after i added
to the ResourceOptions. My understanding was that it would only remove it from the stack and not perform the API call to delete. What part of this flow am i misunderstanding?
My best guess is… because i added the
flag to code AFTER my stack was already created, Pulumi has not had the opportunity to add this option to the stack/state for that resource…?
I think if i perform a “pulumi up” after adding the option… it works as expected. But it’s not reported as an update to the stack/state… If I perform a destroy it will not read the the option from code.
yeah if i'm not mistaken you need to do a
pulumi up
to get the
to pulumi's state store - the
pulumi up
will not report any changes, but it will add the
attrib to the state file - if you're using the pulumi hosted state, check
pulumi console
before and after the no-op
This fits with my understanding! Why is the state change not reported during the “up”?
because there's no change to AWS - just the state file. would be nice to see those reported too
🙌 1
👍 1
I think any change being made to any state would be desirable to see…
does a refresh do this?