Hey Pulumi, I have a few Elastic Clusters (on AWS)...
# general
Hey Pulumi, I have a few Elastic Clusters (on AWS) and I am trying to import them to Pulumi. The problem is that some of them are about to be detected by Pulumi and some are not. I am wondering why. Here is an example:
are both in same aws account and same region (us-west-2). Pulumi was able to generate code for `admin-gateway`:
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thaipham@N9GK65GXW1 quickstart % pulumi import aws:elasticache/cluster:Cluster admin-gateway admin-gateway                          
Previewing import (dev)

View Live: <https://app.pulumi.com/thailowki/quickstart/dev/previews/2189eee2-316c-4e2d-a50f-ab03a68c4194>

     Type                        Name            Plan       
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack         quickstart-dev  create     
 =   └─ aws:elasticache:Cluster  admin-gateway   import     
    + 1 to create
    = 1 to import
    2 changes

Do you want to perform this import? details
but not for the other :
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thaipham@N9GK65GXW1 quickstart % pulumi import aws:elasticache/cluster:Cluster infra-storage-thai-test-v2 infra-storage-thai-test-v2
Previewing import (dev)

View Live: <https://app.pulumi.com/thailowki/quickstart/dev/previews/a5490dc5-985d-49d7-ad67-928e331dc742>

     Type                        Name                        Plan       Info
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack         quickstart-dev              create     1 error
 =   └─ aws:elasticache:Cluster  infra-storage-thai-test-v2  import     1 error
  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (quickstart-dev):
    error: preview failed
  aws:elasticache:Cluster (infra-storage-thai-test-v2):
    error: Preview failed: resource 'infra-storage-thai-test-v2' does not exist
Are you sure that cluster id exists? Can you run the import with
--logtostderr --logflow -v10
and post that log somewhere (emailing to fraser@pulumi.com is fine).
yes it exists
here is the log file. Thanks!
Looks like aws isn't finding that:
Copy code
Validate Response elasticache/DescribeCacheClusters failed, attempt 0/25, error CacheClusterNotFound: CacheCluster not found: infra-storage-thai-test-v2
Might be worth raising an issue at github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws about it, they might know more about what could be causing describe to not find the cluster
👍 1