Trying to create a storage account, I end up with ...
# azure
Trying to create a storage account, I end up with this error. Am I doing something very wrong here (code in thread)?
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azure-native:storage:StorageAccount (prometheus):
    error: resource partially created but read failed autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=404 Code="StorageAccountNotFound" Message="The storage account xfgewrprometheus was not found.": autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=404 Code="StorageAccountNotFound" Message="The storage account xfgewrprometheus was not found."
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account, err := storage.NewStorageAccount(ctx, "prometheus", &storage.StorageAccountArgs{
		AccountName:            pulumi.String("xfgewrprometheus"),
		EnableHttpsTrafficOnly: pulumi.Bool(false),
		AllowBlobPublicAccess:  pulumi.Bool(false),
		EnableNfsV3:            pulumi.Bool(false),
		IsHnsEnabled:           pulumi.Bool(false),
		Kind:                   pulumi.String("FileStorage"),
		Location:               config.ResourceGroup.Location,
		ResourceGroupName:      config.ResourceGroup.Name,
		NetworkRuleSet: &storage.NetworkRuleSetArgs{
			Bypass:        pulumi.String("AzureServices"),
			DefaultAction: storage.DefaultActionDeny,
			IpRules:       storage.IPRuleArray{},
			VirtualNetworkRules: storage.VirtualNetworkRuleArray{
					VirtualNetworkResourceId: vnet,
		Sku: &storage.SkuArgs{
			Name: pulumi.String("Premium_LRS"),
What region is your storage account? What region is your virtual network?
Same region, but from what I could gather it’s not supported.