I have a lot of different pulumi applications (and...
# general
I have a lot of different pulumi applications (and github repositories, one per app) that are scoped to various things like networking, kubernetes, monitoring, etc. I want a single place to execute all the stacks in order. I was thinking of building a script to do this, but I was curious if anyone has created a better solution. I'm working through github actions to deploy pulumi, so I don't think I can just tie those actions together to execute each other.
you could do it in one github action, you can use the
to check out the various repos and then run
pulumi up -s stack_name
, thats probably the best way i could think of doing that, and each step uses
needs: other_stack
in the job definition, would be a horrifically large workflow file though 😄
Good call! Thanks.
providing all your stacks are in the same backend bucket of course! hope you figure it out 🙂
Yeah we are using pulumi's offering for state management, so no worries there
ah ok cool, should be pretty straight forward to implement then 🙂 just a lot of repetition potentially!
Yeah, it isn't an ideal situation and I'll definitely keep exploring how others have handled multi-repo pulumi orchestration, but it should work for a short term ugly solution
i wonder if you could make use of the gh api by triggering workflow runs in other repos instead?
i suppose another alternative could be to use the automation api inside a program that runs in github actions? or using the pulumi service api potentially
That automation API seems like the best fit here honestly
I'll look into that more, this is super helpful, thank you
no worries man 🙂 hope you get it sorted
If I do build anything I'll make sure it's open source and send you a link 🙂
nice one! i think the most challenging part will be building the logic for the dependency DAG, but once youve nailed that should be up and away!