> #Newbee Question - Hi ,is it possible to use ...
# java
#Newbee Question - Hi ,is it possible to use ‘breakpoint’ with in an IDE using pulumi-java stack ?Any sample here ?
@white-terabyte-21934 As Paweł mentioned above, you can use remote debug. I use it quite often. 1. Add
to your gradle/mvn build file (I use Kotlin DSL, but doing this for Groovy DSL should be very similar). Example:
Copy code
// ...
application {
        project.findProperty("mainClass") as? String ?: "<http://myproject.App|myproject.App>"
    applicationDefaultJvmArgs = listOf("-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,suspend=y,server=y,address=8000")
// ...
2. Run
pulumi up
. 3. Run "Remote JVM Debug" in IntelliJ (screenshot below).
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