Hi everyone, is it possible to provide additional ...
# pulumi-kubernetes-operator
Hi everyone, is it possible to provide additional files outside of the git repo? We use an npm package from Azure Artifacts, which requires us to provide an .npmrc with an access token. Since that shouldn’t be checked into git, we need an alternative solution. I couldn’t find any documentation for this, only how to provide secrets as Kubernetes Secrets.
How else would it get this information, if not from a Kubernetes secret?
a volume mount maybe? We thought about using the Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver which allows you to mount Key Vaults secrets into pods Or somehow mounting the Kubernetes secret content as a file? I have no idea how to solve it. That’s why I’m asking 😄
Yes, you can mount the Kubernetes secret as a file
👍 1
Or export it as an env var
Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver
Although, to be honest, this is a better approach since you wouldn't have to manage the secret