Hi, I am creating an azure container app with Pulu...
# azure
Hi, I am creating an azure container app with Pulumi native v1.66. My container app in azure 'subscription1' and azure container registry is in 'subscription2'. I am trying to add Registry when creating container app but it throws error ERROR: The resource with name 'testacr' and type 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries' could not be found in subscription 'subscription1'. var containerApp= new ContainerApp(appName, new ContainerAppArgs { Configuration = new ConfigurationArgs { Dapr = new DaprArgs { AppPort = 80, AppProtocol = "http", Enabled = true, }, Ingress = new IngressArgs { External = false, TargetPort = 80 }, Secrets = new InputList<SecretArgs> { new SecretArgs { Name = "registry-password", Value = "testpassword"} }, Registries = new InputList<RegistryCredentialsArgs> // From other subscription { new RegistryCredentialsArgs { Server ="testacr.azurecr.io", Username = "testacr", PasswordSecretRef = "registry-password" } } } }
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