Any known issues with adding S3 bucket notificatio...
# aws
Any known issues with adding S3 bucket notifications? I already have 3 notifications setup for a S3 bucket and as soon as this code is executed, it removes all of them and adds only that one. It's one s3.bucketNotification object per bucket then? or?
Copy code
const crawler_bucket_notification = new aws.s3.BucketNotification("crawler_bucket_notification-" + name, {
            bucket: "data-lake-" + config.get("env")  + "-" + name,
            queues: [{
                events: [
                filterPrefix: name + "/",
                id: "data-lake-" + config.get("env") + "-" + name,
                queueArn: crawler_sqs_queue.arn,
            eventbridge: false