i have this so far, i want to point the `httpsList...
# aws
i have this so far, i want to point the
to the task target group, but i am not sure how to do that (i tried putting it in portMappings but it didn’t work)
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const apiCertificateArn = 'some-arn'

const httpsListener = alb.createListener('https-listener', {
  port: 443,
  protocol: 'HTTPS',
  external: true,
  certificateArn: apiCertificateArn,

const httpListener = alb.createListener('http-listener', {
  port: 80,
  protocol: 'HTTP',
  external: true,

// Build and publish a Docker image to a private ECR registry.
const img = awsx.ecs.Image.fromPath('api-img', '.');

// Create a Fargate service task that can scale out.
const appService = new awsx.ecs.FargateService('api-service', {
  taskDefinitionArgs: {
    container: {
      image: img,
      cpu: 2048,
      memory: 1024,
      portMappings: [httpListener],
      environment: [{ name: 'PORT', value: '80' }],
  desiredCount: 1,
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const albSecurityGroup = new awsx.ec2.SecurityGroup(`${appName}-lb-sg`, {
  egress: [
      fromPort: 443,
      toPort: 443,
      protocol: "tcp",
      cidrBlocks: [""],
      description: `For ${appName} load balancer`,
  ingress: [
      fromPort: 443,
      toPort: 443,
      protocol: "tcp",
      cidrBlocks: [""],
      description: `For ${appName} load balancer`,

const alb = new awsx.lb.ApplicationLoadBalancer(`${appName}-lb`, {
  loadBalancer: new aws.lb.LoadBalancer(`${appName}-alb`, {
    accessLogs: {
      bucket: logBucketId,
      enabled: true,
      prefix: appName,
    dropInvalidHeaderFields: true,
    external: true,
    securityGroups: [albSecurityGroup.id],
    subnets: publicSubnetIds,

alb.createListener(`${appName}-http`, {
  defaultAction: {
    type: "redirect",
    redirect: {
      protocol: "HTTPS",
      port: "443",
      statusCode: "HTTP_301",
  external: false,
  port: 80,
  protocol: "HTTP",

const https = alb.createListener(`${appName}-https`, {
  defaultActions: [
      fixedResponse: {
        contentType: "text/plain",
        messageBody: "404 Site Not Found",
        statusCode: "404",
      type: "fixed-response",
  external: false,
  port: 443,
  protocol: "HTTPS",
  sslPolicy: "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-Ext-2018-06",
  vpc: vpc.vpc,

const appTargetGroup = new awsx.lb.ApplicationTargetGroup(`${appName}-tg`, {
  deregistrationDelay: 0,
  healthCheck: {
    path: "/",
    port: "443",
    protocol: "HTTPS",
    matcher: "200",
  loadBalancer: alb,
  port: 443,
  protocol: "HTTPS",

new awsx.lb.ListenerRule(`${appName}-lr`, https, {
  actions: [
      targetGroupArn: appTargetGroup.targetGroup.arn.apply(v => v),
      type: "forward",
  conditions: [
      hostHeader: {
        values: [`${appName}.*`],
  priority: 1,

new aws.route53.Record(`${appName}-www`, {
  aliases: [
      evaluateTargetHealth: true,
      name: alb.loadBalancer.dnsName,
      zoneId: zoneId,
  name: appName,
  type: "A",
  zoneId: hostedZoneId,
And the service has:
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portMappings: [appTargetGroup],
thanks for the thorough answer
all i had to do was adding httpListener’s default target group to the httpsListener like this
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const httpsListener = alb.createListener(withAppNamePrefix('https-listener'), {
  port: 443,
  protocol: 'HTTPS',
  external: true,
  certificateArn: apiCertificateArn,
  targetGroup: httpListener.defaultTargetGroup,
👍 1