Is there any mechanism in Pulumi for slurping in o...
# typescript
Is there any mechanism in Pulumi for slurping in other projects, or should I just rely on the language's features (TypeScript) - ie. export all resources from a single place and import them using this master stack
What is "slurping in"? Generally, if you have a project and you want another version of it, you just keep using that project and create a new stack for it.
I went to basically coordinate multiple projects
I've been pointed to the automation api which might do what I need
👍 1
We generally deploy each app via a CI/CD pipeline but I want to deploy all of these disparate apps (and other infrastructure components) all at once to spin up a test cluster mirroring what our pros cluster looks like
Good stuff. Are you aware of the differences in functionality between projects and stacks? It looks like you will be creating new stacks for existing projects, and automation-api can do nice things like
the same stack on all projects, in the correct sequence.
Yeah I understand the differences. The scenario you outlines sounds about right
We're still largely in a phase of migrating from helm to pulumi, so this will be the first step in a migration plan too
Move from chart release to pulumi wrapping charts with multiple stacks, then to pulumi managing the deploys directly
Ah. I didn't think Helm and Pulumi operated in the same space. I'm not a k8s user...
Yeah, my bad. We're so heavily into k8s for our app deployments that I forget there's a world of infra outside