Hi, I’ve started testing deploying services in ECS...
# aws
Hi, I’ve started testing deploying services in ECS/Fargate using AWS Classic with Python. It’s going well so far! - Am I correct to think of AWS Crosswalk as a simplified high-level api that you’re likely to grow out quite soon if you’re doing anything relatively complex? - I tried out the AWS Native provider at first, thinking it made sense to use it in a greenfield project. Every ‘up’ operation took at least one minute. (I may have made some silly mistake.) I switched to AWS Classic and it was fast. Will the AWS Classic provider be supported for a relatively long time going forward?
• Crosswalk should support your needs, regardless of your use case. It's designed to encapsulate things for the most common use cases (stuff you'd nearly always want, like a VPC across 3 AZs), but also to be production-ready and flexible. Would be interested to hear more about your use case. • AWS Classic will be supported for quite some time to come. • Can you provide an example of a simple-ish AWS Native use case that was taking a long time? It's my understanding that AWS Native is more performant than Classic.
Thanks for your reply Josh, that’s good to hear about the future of AWS Classic. I’ll get back to you about the other details tomorrow.
👍 1
AWS Native being slower than AWS Classic: This consistently takes around a minute to run ‘pulumi up’ on using e.g. eu-north-1:
Copy code
from pulumi_aws_native import s3

And this takes about 5 seconds:
Copy code
from pulumi_aws import s3

For this experiment I used the Pulumi service as the backend.
Ah, found: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws-native/issues/217 I did some other instantiation timing tests using AWS Native/Cloud Control: ec2.VPC: 20 seconds ec2.Subnet: 10 seconds ecr.Repository: 4 seconds So I guess there is a wide performance variation when using the AWS Cloud Control API. These consistently take a few seconds using AWS Classic.