Does anyone have experience creating functions? I...
# python
Does anyone have experience creating functions? I added the function to my schema.json but when I try to run it I get
Unexpected <class 'NotImplementedError'>: Method not implemented!
I’m trying to make a top level function that is not dependent on a resource
I don’t think the python sdk supports Invokes at the moment. It’s due a pass over to bring all the languages up to full support, currently only Go has support for everything a provider can do.
😔 1
I see, thanks @echoing-dinner-19531, would you know if this is going to be possible soon?
I'm not sure, I'd need to look into it Are you trying to do this in a dynamic provider or a stand-alone provider?
thanks @echoing-dinner-19531, much appreciated! We’re building out a stand alone provider
Ok I'll have a look into that, that might be easy to get added to the next release
that would be amazing, thanks so much!
we’re creating a provider that we’d like used across the org and having this would be a game changer
👍 I'd love to hear more details about how your building, packaging, distributing that provider if your open to it. Feel free to DM me on here doesn't need to be public, but details like that can really help drive what we focus on.
Sounds good!
e <- Adding invoke to the python Provider object
Thanks @echoing-dinner-19531 ! This is huge!