Hi guys, is there a tutorial how to automate the c...
# google-cloud
Hi guys, is there a tutorial how to automate the configuration / deployment for "static website hosting" with google cloud? I am curious because I have not found anything for this topic (and this is so "basic").
This is mostly due to the fact that static website hosting on GCP is in the Firebase section: https://firebase.google.com/docs/hosting/ But at the moment, the Firebase services are not all exposed via a REST api which makes for not integration endpoint for Infra-as-Code tools like Pulumi (or TF). https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-gcp/issues/201
@limited-rainbow-51650 yeah I realized that the situation is not really good. As far as I understand firebase cli uses under the hood google cloud services (storage etc.) to do its magic. So I would guess there is a way to execute the same magic... But of course it is nothing I would like to do. But how to you solve the problem?