Hi guys, just starting with Pulumi and trying to l...
# google-cloud
Hi guys, just starting with Pulumi and trying to learn something, however the documentation wasn't really useful so far. What I need is to deploy an ASP.NET Core Web API project to GCP in GKE (kubernetes). I already have a docker image of the service in GCP but I'm unsure on how to deploy the app and set the proper ingress service through Pulumi. Can anyone help or does anyone know a guide/tutorial where I could read more on this?
What really confuses me at this point is the cluster configuration/auth part with GCP.
so there are examples that exist for a GKE cluster
you can find them listed in this repo
Thank you Paul, I looked at that, but I don't understand how can I tell the configuration which specific pod(s) to deploy in the cluster..
I guess it's the standard hierarchy of cluster->deployment->pod, but I haven't found an example for that.
ah so you are looking for an example of how to deploy an app to a kubernetes cluster?
exactly, yes.
this is the example you want to look at
the app in the app folder is built and deployed to the cluster as part of the infra application (in the infra folder)
ah, i see now. i'm doing it in c# so i'll try to translate this to there.. but this really helps a lot, tahnk you Paul.
it should be ok to translate but I am more than happy to help if you have any questions - this is a good example to show what we have - maybe we should create it in different languages
it's highly likely that I will do have more questions but first i'll deconstruct and reconstruct this example. and yes, it would be great to have such examples in other languages, too
👍 if you get a wee second, add an issue to pulumi/examples repo asking for that and point out it would save a lot of time - I can then get it added to our work queue
I will sure do that today during the day 🙂