Another question.. I need to setup load balancing ...
# google-cloud
Another question.. I need to setup load balancing with SSL on GKE but I'm unsure what to do.. Anyone has any example of this with Pulumi?
That is not done specific from Pulumi If you want L7 load balancing you need to create the GCP certificate resources and link them to the HTTPS forwarding rule If you want L4 load balancing you need something to manage the certificate inside of your cluster, normally cert-manager with a in-cluster L7 LB like nginx-ingress or istio
So, I can't do something so the SSL termination happens in the app running in the pod(s) itself?
You can If you create a service with type load balancer you'll get a L4 LB directly to the service
Thank you Luiz, you helped me understand the possible solutions for my problem.