Hello guys, I have a set of custom resources and u...
# google-cloud
Hello guys, I have a set of custom resources and unfortunately the dependency graph is not correct. I can’t get a google object storage bucket inside a custom resource “Bucket With Notification” wait for a gcp.Project built inside a custom resource “Ephemeral Project”
Can you share the code? Just the dependencies block of the 4 resources
Sure, so this is the ephemeral project component
This is the bucket with notification component
it is failing on line 27
And what is the exact error?
This is what happens in my main.py
so what is surprising is that in line 24, I am clearly saying that the component should not be created before the ephemeral project.project field, which is a gcp project, is ready
what surprises me is that I don’t see a dependency tree
Hum. Everything seems right to me, maybe it is some quirk of the Python registration process that is quite different from JS. I suspect some variable is not being passed correctly
well I remembered when I had parent resources
I had some sort of tree