Hi Guys....i have tried to create google cloud art...
# google-cloud
Hi Guys....i have tried to create google cloud artifact registry as PyPi repo, We would like to publish all our pulumi python packages to that repo and use in our python code as a module using
is not supporting authentication with GCP as i seen here https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/artifact-registry-python-tools/issues/17 ...is there any way to achieve this?
Hey Bharath, this unfortunately looks well out of the scope of Pulumi, i'd refer to your GCP account manager to ask about this, but it does look like it's not possible from the ticket.
Having said that, can you not publish the package using twine? https://cloud.google.com/artifact-registry/docs/python/manage-packages poety will still be able to download the artifacts
yes I have created the artifact registry pypi repo using pulumi and uploaded the packages already there... I am just stuck how to refer it using poetry...poetry needs to authenticate GCP
And here is the uploaded package found in GCP
I am using same-thing as mentioned with
here: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/artifact-registry-python-tools
I am testing it, if it works will share here... thank you @billowy-army-68599