Anyone in a position to comment on the level of ma...
# google-cloud
Anyone in a position to comment on the level of maturity of pulumi's GCP support vs AWS? I'm considering taking a position at a company that is GCP-centric (never worked with it before, but extensive AWS experience) so I'm curious.
@ambitious-salesmen-39356 we are in the process of building our Google native provider, which will have full GCP API coverage. It's currently in beta, but on track to be GA in Q4 With that consideration, we'll have full maturity of GCP by then 🙂
shiny. Thanks
you gonna love GCP for sure @ambitious-salesmen-39356 at least their network model. I did same a year ago i was having extensive AWS experience(Terraform) but able to pickup GCP well and we are using pulumi for GCP.
Any gotchas/advice?
We use python(need to use their ComponentResource, ResourceOptions and Config as base class) for infra development and github actions for CICD can get reference from this repo