Hi! I managed to setup a GCP Cloud Run instance wi...
# google-cloud
Hi! I managed to setup a GCP Cloud Run instance with the help of Pulumi Python SDK. What I couldn't find out was what would be the equivalent of this in Pulumi: I run this in the Google Cloud Shell and then use the image in my Pulumi script. How can I implement the whole process in my script:
Copy code
docker pull hasura/graphql-engine
docker tag <http://docker.io/hasura/graphql-engine:latest|docker.io/hasura/graphql-engine:latest> <http://gcr.io/my-gcp-project/hasura|gcr.io/my-gcp-project/hasura>
docker push <http://gcr.io/my-gcp-project/hasura|gcr.io/my-gcp-project/hasura>
gcloud container images list-tags <http://gcr.io/my-gcp-project/hasura|gcr.io/my-gcp-project/hasura>
Thanks for your help!
🙌 1
Thank you! I will have a look at this and try to adapt the code for python.