Hi, I thought the new GCP Native provider would be...
# google-cloud
Hi, I thought the new GCP Native provider would be "always up-to-date"? However, there's an API for Data Pipelines that was released some time ago, but it doesn't seem to be picked up by the provider. https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/docs/reference/data-pipelines/rest/ Have I missed it or is perhaps not "always up-to-date"?
Right now cutting a new release is a manual action - and we weren’t consistent about the cadence. Apologies for that - I’ll cut a new release today which will have the pipeline resource.
🙌 2
awesome, thanks
@tall-librarian-49374 do you know if it will also contain activating Anthos Service Mesh for a GKE cluster? E.g the counterpart of:
gcloud beta container hub mesh enable --project=FLEET_PROJECT_ID
@eager-thailand-33661 I’m getting some odd test failures in CI, the release slips to tomorrow unfortunately
@limited-rainbow-51650 do you know which API creates that resource?
Just went through the gcloud sdk with a debugger. It is a POST with body
Copy code
For those who want to check it is on
of class
You can put a debug point there to get the entire stack 🙂
I'm not sure if the service management API has a intersection or if one enable products and the other features of those products Service Management has nothing to do with this
@green-school-95910 looking at that end point, that would mean that we have to activate
on our project. I think we can do that with the following: • gcp classic provider: https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/gcp/api-docs/projects/service/ However, I can’t find the corresponding counterpart in the native provider. FYI: I also googled if this was solved on TF side, bumped into this article and navigating via the TF Registry for the
ended up on this code snippet.
It seems enabling services is not possible at the moment with the native provider. I think given that it is generated from the resources on the APIs it makes sense that it would not support this feature as services do not follow the POST/DELETE same resource with a possible operation like the others. Both creating and destroying a resource requires a POST, into different URLs and disabling allow some extra parameters For reference, the classic uses terraform-bridge, so this is the implementation: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-google-beta/blob/master/google-beta/resource_google_project_service.go It can be automated, but it would be just for a single module, not sure if it is worth it or if it should be hand-made
But if it is implemented on the native provider I think it should expose the batchEnable and the batchDisable to allow atomic operations 🙂
There is an issue for that on the provider: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-google-native/issues/59
💯 1
The release has finally landed! Sorry for the delay.
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