me again, stumbling upon this while trying to impo...
# google-cloud
me again, stumbling upon this while trying to import an instance and found no answer on other parts, maybe someone here already went through that?
Copy code
$ pulumi import gcp:compute/instance:Instance default nodes-153d93na/us-east1-b/node-820c50ba --diff                      
Previewing import (dev):
  pulumi:pulumi:Stack: (same)
error: gcp:compute/instance:Instance resource 'default' has a problem: ConflictsWith: "boot_disk.0.disk_encryption_key_raw": conflicts with boot_disk.0.kms_key_self_link. Examine values at 'Instance.BootDisk.DiskEncryptionKeyRaw'.
error: gcp:compute/instance:Instance resource 'default' has a problem: Computed attribute cannot be set. Examine values at 'Instance.BootDisk.DiskEncryptionKeySha256'.
error: gcp:compute/instance:Instance resource 'default' has a problem: ConflictsWith: "boot_disk.0.kms_key_self_link": conflicts with boot_disk.0.disk_encryption_key_raw. Examine values at 'Instance.BootDisk.KmsKeySelfLink'.
error: gcp:compute/instance:Instance resource 'default' has a problem: Computed attribute cannot be set. Examine values at 'Instance.NetworkInterfaces[0].Ipv6AccessType'.
error: gcp:compute/instance:Instance resource 'default' has a problem: Computed attribute cannot be set. Examine values at 'Instance.NetworkInterfaces[0].Name'.
error: gcp:compute/instance:Instance resource 'default' has a problem: expected network_interface.0.nic_type to be one of [GVNIC VIRTIO_NET], got . Examine values at 'Instance.NetworkInterfaces[0].NicType'.
error: Preview failed: one or more inputs failed to validate
error: preview failed
    11 unchanged