but like, are the APIs mostly set?
# kubernetes
but like, are the APIs mostly set?
I don’t expect the APIs to change significantly, but kx doesn’t yet have test coverage, and you’re likely to hit some rough edges. I’d still consider it at a proof of concept stage, although we do plan to continue development on it this year. I’d be wary of going directly to prod with it at this point.
👍 1
Keep in mind that if you go from k8 to kx style APIs, it will be difficult for you to present it to other developers who are familiar with k8 to help you debug something. You will end up going back and forth.
We made the decision of not using kx and just the regular k8 stuff, even if they are more verbose, they’re closer to the regular manifest files that we can just dump those to the k8 support when needed.
_way late_: thank both you for the insight 🙂