Any idea when the next release will ship? Really l...
# kubernetes
Any idea when the next release will ship? Really looking forward to the YAML rendering for the k8s resources PR that just got merged 2 days ago.
I’m planning to release that either today or tomorrow
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Really cool, that's one of the main things I'm looking for regarding the
Pulumi Kubernetes
ecosystem. It will be a really cool way to template the manifests and leverage GitOps tools like Flux to apply the actual manifests to the cluster Thank you @gorgeous-egg-16927
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v1.5.2 is out now with that change
Would it be feasible to extract that code (the yaml generation) into it's own project? Leverage known programming languages to template yaml, basically?
No, not really. The implementation is tightly coupled with the pulumi update process because it potentially has to resolve computed input values (e.g. if the k8s resources depend on other infrastructure in the stack). It would take a lot of work to decouple.
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Oh I see, it makes sense. Nevertheless having yaml generation is a great feature to have on Pulumi, finally I can ditch other templating tools for k8s and just use Pulumi
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Interested in any feedback you have once you’ve tried it out!
For sure, I will, what's the best way to give feedback? Comment on the issue, talking about it here? 🙂
Either way is fine. 👍