should i be worried about a goroutine panic that s...
# kubernetes
should i be worried about a goroutine panic that seems to be related to my kubeconfig, but doesn't actually seem to affect the correctness of my program ... ?
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panic: interface conversion: interface {} is resource.PropertyMap, not string
    goroutine 28 [running]:
    <|>, 0xc0001fea50, 0x2475423, 0xa, 0xc0001b2508)
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x169
    <*kubeProvider).DiffConfig(0xc000014000|*kubeProvider).DiffConfig(0xc000014000>, 0x26e1260, 0xc0001fe9f0, 0xc0001380e0, 0xc000014000, 0x2275301, 0xc00031a0c0)
    	/home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x61b
    <|>, 0xc0001fe9f0, 0x23a5e80, 0xc0001380e0, 0x23c0a00, 0x33070c0, 0x26e1260, 0xc0001fe9f0)
    	/home/travis/gopath/pkg/mod/ +0x86
    <|>, 0xc000577200, 0x23a5e80, 0xc0001380e0, 0xc00000cb20, 0xc00000cb40, 0x0, 0x0, 0x26a05e0, 0xc0000cf7b0)
    	/home/travis/gopath/pkg/mod/ +0x36e
    <|>, 0xc000014000, 0x26e1260, 0xc000577200, 0xc0000de3c0, 0xc0004d2040, 0x26e1260, 0xc000577200, 0xc000331300, 0x101f)
    	/home/travis/gopath/pkg/mod/ +0x14b
    <*Server).processUnaryRPC(0xc00034e300|*Server).processUnaryRPC(0xc00034e300>, 0x26fdc00, 0xc00045b500, 0xc00015a200, 0xc000436180, 0x32d3258, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    	/home/travis/gopath/pkg/mod/ +0x46a
    <*Server).handleStream(0xc00034e300|*Server).handleStream(0xc00034e300>, 0x26fdc00, 0xc00045b500, 0xc00015a200, 0x0)
    	/home/travis/gopath/pkg/mod/ +0xd97
    <*Server).serveStreams.func1.1(0xc00039bd30|*Server).serveStreams.func1.1(0xc00039bd30>, 0xc00034e300, 0x26fdc00, 0xc00045b500, 0xc00015a200)
    	/home/travis/gopath/pkg/mod/ +0xbb
    created by <*Server).serveStreams.func1|*Server).serveStreams.func1>
    	/home/travis/gopath/pkg/mod/ +0xa1
Yeah - definitely a bug that this results in a panic. But it does appears this indicates some potential issue with your Pulumi program. What is the
property set to in your program (and in your state file)? It is expected to be a string, but it looks like perhaps you are passing an object?
i'm passing an object, yes. it's a EKS cluster's
value, exported from another stack.
interestingly, it all still seems to work ...
export looks like:
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export const eksKubeconfig = eksCluster.kubeconfig;
I believe this is supposed to accept a string, and that in general you need to
an object if passed in here. What language are you using? I would have expected a type-error in your language even ahead of being able to reach this. All of the occurences of
in pulumi/examples show passing it a string (from various different sources), including this snippet in the
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const myk8s = new k8s.Provider("myk8s", {
        kubeconfig: cluster.kubeconfig.apply(JSON.stringify),
this is all typescript - and yeah, it's weird it's not caught in the type checker.
it looks like that's happy with an
or something?
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const providerKubeconfig = infraStack.requireOutput("eksClusterKubeconfig");
const eksProvider = new k8s.Provider("eks-k8s-provider", {
  kubeconfig: providerKubeconfig
there's actually a related feature request i'd love to submit where the kubeconfig builder function is exported from that module
really, we don't want to be using the cluster provider, because it has full admin permissions.
we want a tighter role in our kubeconfig, but today that means patching in the right
array to the returned cluster value, which is pretty dang ugly.
Ahh - I see, yeah
. So unless you cast that explicitly into what you know it actually is - this won't get caught.
there's actually a related feature request i'd love to submit where the kubeconfig builder function is exported from that module
That's a good idea. Mind opening an issue in
? I think this has come up before (and there may even already be an issue there?).
not at all, it's on my TODO backlog 😉
FWIW the original issue that started this thread did cause pulumi to horribly break the first time the provider changed. like, it panicked even trying to preview, and i had to go in and fix the state file by-hand. 😬
I have been struggling with this issue as well. I am consuming an exported
from another stack and receiving a panic when the config is consumed by the
method. However, changes are applied to the stack with no other errors.
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panic: interface conversion: interface {} is resource.PropertyMap, not string
exporting stack:
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const clusterObj = cluster.create(controlPlaneSg, ngRole);

export const kubeconfig = clusterObj.kubeconfig;
consuming stack:
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export const clusterStackRef = new pulumi.StackReference(`project/trips/${envName}`);

const clusterKubeconfig = clusterStackRef.requireOutput("kubeconfig");

const provider = new k8s.Provider("provider", { kubeconfig: clusterKubeconfig });
You need to pass a string to
k8s.Provider( { kubeconfig: ... })
. Is your exported
a string or an object? We should at least have a better error here, if not accept either a string or an object.
Added a note at, and that issue also has more details on the need to JSON.stringify.
Thanks @white-balloon-205. I am exporting the
as an object. I added
but I get the same panic, even on preview.
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const clusterKubeconfig = clusterStackRef.requireOutput("kubeconfig").apply(JSON.stringify);

const provider = new k8s.Provider("provider", { kubeconfig: clusterKubeconfig });
if you've ever run the stack with the object kubeconfig, you're now stuck with a bad provider in your statefile. you're going to have to edit it out & replace it with the stringified version (or something similar; that's what i did to unstick myself)
Good call @brave-ambulance-98491, manually swapping out the object for the stringified version resolved the panic ✌️
👍🏻 1