Anyone else have deprecation warnings disappear af...
# kubernetes
Anyone else have deprecation warnings disappear after an update of the kubernetes plugin? It's as though
is on by default now.
Which apiVersions disappeared for you? It’s possible I broke something with
Copy code
warning: apps/v1beta2/Deployment is deprecated by apps/v1/Deployment and not supported by Kubernetes v1.16+ clusters.
warning: apps/v1beta2/Deployment is deprecated by apps/v1/Deployment and not supported by Kubernetes v1.16+ clusters.
warning: extensions/v1beta1/Ingress is deprecated by networking/v1beta1/Ingress and not supported by Kubernetes v1.20+ clusters.
warning: apps/v1beta2/Deployment is deprecated by apps/v1/Deployment and not supported by Kubernetes v1.16+ clusters.
warning: apps/v1beta2/Deployment is deprecated by apps/v1/Deployment and not supported by Kubernetes v1.16+ clusters.
warning: apps/v1beta2/Deployment is deprecated by apps/v1/Deployment and not supported by Kubernetes v1.16+ clusters.
These warnings disappeared after updating the plugin. I certainly didn't fix the deprecation though I was getting around to it I swear. 😅
I can run
kubectl deprecations
but it was nice to have the reminders in pulumi.
Hmm…still seems to be working for me. Perhaps something else changed in your stack?
ok weird I will investigate
ok I updated more things, latest
cli and latest
and the warnings came back. 👍 Must have been some flakely combination of dependencies I had sorry.
👍 1
Is there a reference for what versions of packages should be used with what version of pulumi etc?
I'm pretty ignorant about what kind of peer dependencies might exist between these components.
or should I just get my shit together and use latest as much as possible.
generally you should be able to use any combination of packages and pulumi CLI, but things occasionally get into a bad state. at that point, i usually just delete my
and do a fresh
npm install
and that usually fixes it
👍 2