When deploying to kubernetes I've had a couple of ...
# kubernetes
When deploying to kubernetes I've had a couple of deploys sort of being stuck with "[1/2] Waiting for app ReplicaSet be marked available" and then failing. Is this a known issue?
This is normally a problem in the cluster, and not a problem with Pulumi. Pulumi can experience problems when cloud resources are being provisioned and a dependent resource tries to get provisioned before the resource it depends on is ready/available. I have this problem with my
resources.. I'm using
to manage certificates in my cluster, and the
ClusterIssuer.. the ClusterIssuer always fails the first tiem because cert-manager isn't ready in time. I simply have to
pulumi up
again and it works the second time. I am trying to work with the
parameter, but it doesn't seem to work in this case.
As Dave said, this usually indicates a problem with the Deployment. We try to surface relevant log information, but there’s still room to improve here. It’s possible you’ll find more information about what’s going wrong with kubectl
👍 1
kubectl, octant, the Dashboard Web UI are all good ways to explore what is happening in the cluster.