I am trying to create eks with node group(eks.node...
# kubernetes
I am trying to create eks with node group(eks.nodeGroup sdk). eks version used: 1.16 It creates eks control plane but not the ec2. Pulumi console shows that k8 pods are not able to find nodes and times out. I couldn't find any erors on creation of nodes in pulumi console output. Note: It works perfectly with eks 1.15 with no issues. Are there any compatibility version issues that I need to be aware of? Sdk versions used: "@pulumi/aws": "^2.9.1", "@pulumi/awsx": "^0.20.0", "@pulumi/eks": "^0.19.2", "@pulumi/kubernetes": "^2.3.0", "@pulumi/pulumi": "^2.4.0",
That is very surprising. There should be no direct relationship between the kubernetes version used and the NodeGroup constructed by the EKS package. Can you share any more details on your code and/or the preview/update output you see?
Luke, is it OK to give our stack log link in your direct chat?
@white-balloon-205 is it OK to give our stack log link in your direct chat?
Feel free to DM me with details.
@white-balloon-205 I think we found the problem with version 1.16.  it is kind of not honoring the dependency . In the code, we specify eks cluster, specify node group   and specify helm charts.   we already have specified helm charts depend on eks cluster creation. When we started new stack with 1.16, helm charts were failing and timing out after X seconds because of apiVersion issues which is not allowing to create node group(ec2). We think creation of resources go in parallel unless we specify the dependency. When I added node group as dependency for helm charts, it started seeing the creation of ec2 and was able to identify the errors in helm charts and resolve them.