``` ~ kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment: (update) ...
# kubernetes
Copy code
~ kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment: (update)
      ~ spec: {
          ~ template: {
              ~ spec: {
                  ~ containers: [
                      - [0]: {
                              - args           : [
                              -     [0]: "osimis-deploy-activities"
                              - env            : [
                              -     [0]: {
                                      - name : "TEMPORAL_FRONTEND_HOST"
                                      - value: "<redacted>"
                              - image          : "<redacted>"
                              - imagePullPolicy: "Always"
                              - livenessProbe  : {
                                  - exec               : {
                                      - command: [
                                      -     [0]: "/bin/sh"
                                      -     [1]: "-c"
                                      -     [2]: "ps -ef | grep osimis-deploy-activities"
                                  - failureThreshold   : 2
                                  - initialDelaySeconds: 10
                                  - periodSeconds      : 10
                                  - successThreshold   : 1
                                  - timeoutSeconds     : 5
                              - name           : "activities-worker"
                              - readinessProbe : {
                                  - exec               : {
                                      - command: [
                                      -     [0]: "/bin/sh"
                                      -     [1]: "-c"
                                      -     [2]: "ps -ef | grep osimis-deploy-activities"
                                  - failureThreshold   : 6
                                  - initialDelaySeconds: 5
                                  - periodSeconds      : 10
                                  - successThreshold   : 1
                                  - timeoutSeconds     : 5
                              - resources      : {
                                  - limits  : {
                                      - cpu   : "0.15"
                                      - memory: "120Mi"
                                  - requests: {
                                      - cpu   : "0.1"
                                      - memory: "100Mi"
                              - volumeMounts   : [
                              -     [0]: {
                                      - mountPath: "/etc/pulumi-deployer/osimisdockercreds.conf"
                                      - name     : "osimis-docker-hub-credentials"
                                      - subPath  : "osimisdockercredes.conf"
    ~ 1 to update
    8 unchanged
I’m not confident in applying this. What is happening? Context: Pulumi v2.11.2 + Kubernetes provider 2.6.1
Well, eventually nothing bad happened. However, the diff calculation for Kubernetes resources should be improved. It’s not the first time that the diff doesn’t show exactly what will be changed.
it's coming!
🎉 2
🍺 1