<@UCWG26BH7> <@UE1LN7A22> Does the Pulumi Helm v3 ...
# kubernetes
@billowy-army-68599 @gorgeous-egg-16927 Does the Pulumi Helm v3 support helm hooks “pre-install,pre-upgrade”? I am trying to render out a chart that includes jobs with those hook types but it doesn’t seem to be rendering them at all which breaks the deployment.
i don't believe so, because we rely on
helm template
to render the charts, and I believe the hooks are managed server side
Hmm okay, will need to think about it a bit. Might be able to manually create what it needed before hand but that now requires us to manage that and break away from the upstream chart.
what does the hook add?
Looks to be generating the cert and patching the mutating webhook config. I might be able to use cert-manager and just transform the webhook configs with the annotation to inject the ca
can you use a transformation to do it?
ah yeah misread what you were saying
Yea trying the transformation now. I think that should do what I need.
So another issue I am running into is ServiceMonitors and PrometheusRules are created before the prometheus-operator deployment. Is there any built in way to specify the order it creates the helm resources to make sure the custom resources are at the end? Right now it errors on creation since the webhook endpoint isn’t deployed yet.
was thinking that using a tranformation to deploy the chart a second time but only those resources would work but since depending on a helm chart doesn’t work correctly right now that is not a option.
FYI: There is an open issue about not all resources being created for helm charts containing resources with certain hooks: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/issues/1335
👍 1
Ah cool, I’ll sub to that. Hopefully hooks can be supported