I want london region
# kubernetes
I want london region
I can create a new AWS provider
but I do not get how to link it to the eks creation part
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const awsProvider = new aws.Provider("<http://stage.property.xyz|stage.property.xyz>",{
    region: "eu-west-2",
    maxRetries: 1,
    profile: "<http://stage.property.xyz|stage.property.xyz>"

// Create an EKS cluster with the default configuration.
const cluster = new eks.Cluster("my-cluster",{

// Export the cluster's kubeconfig.
export const kubeconfig = cluster.kubeconfig;
ok sorted
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const awsProvider = new aws.Provider("aws-stage", {
    region: "eu-west-2",
    maxRetries: 1,
    profile: "<http://stage.property.xyz|stage.property.xyz>"
// Create an EKS cluster with non-default configuration
const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc("vpc", {subnets: [{type: "public"}]});
const cluster = new eks.Cluster(name, {
        vpcId: vpc.id,
        subnetIds: vpc.publicSubnetIds,
        desiredCapacity: 2,
        minSize: 1,
        maxSize: 2,
        storageClasses: "gp2",
        deployDashboard: false,
        providerCredentialOpts: {
            profileName: "<http://stage.property.xyz|stage.property.xyz>"
        provider: awsProvider
returns this
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error: Running program '/Users/sdicola/IdeaProjects/property-xyz/eks-pulumi' failed with an unhandled exception:
    Error: invocation of aws:index/getAvailabilityZones:getAvailabilityZones returned an error: 1 error occurred:
        * missing required configuration key "aws:region": The region where AWS operations will take place. Examples are us-east-1, us-west-2, etc.
    Set a value using the command `pulumi config set aws:region <value>`.
region is set in the provider....
don't get it
You're not passing the
to the
resource. That would make pulumi fallback on default provider configuration in your config file (I think), where you might be lacking the region?
@sticky-translator-17495 I got an existing CRD. How can I use pulumi to deploy it?
guess the answer it this
Yep, should work. Also, if you want to load it dynamically from some other source the k8s.yaml.ConfigFile could be helpful.
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const strimziNameSpace = new k8s.core.v1.Namespace("strimzi", undefined, {provider: strimziKafkaCluster.provider});

const strimziClusterOperator = new helm.v2.Chart("strimzi-kafka-operator", {
        fetchOpts: {
            repo: "<https://strimzi.io/charts/>"
        chart: "strimzi-kafka-operator",
        version: "0.20.0",
        namespace: strimziNameSpace.metadata.name
        provider: strimziKafkaCluster.provider,
why is it not creating the namespace?
Looks fine. Do you get an error on the helm chart that the namespace doesn't exist? Maybe you need a
dependsOn: [strimziNameSpace]
on the helm chart?
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error: update failed
  kubernetes:<http://rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1:RoleBinding|rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1:RoleBinding> (strimzi-u4ii175e/strimzi-cluster-operator-topic-operator-delegation):
    error: resource strimzi-u4ii175e/strimzi-cluster-operator-topic-operator-delegation was not successfully created by the Kubernetes API server : namespaces "strimzi-u4ii175e" not found
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        provider: awsProvider,
        dependsOn: strimziNameSpace
got an error there
wants a resource :
wrong place 🙂
let me try
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const awsProvider = new aws.Provider("aws-stage-provider", {
    region: "eu-west-2",
    profile: "<http://stage.property.xyz|stage.property.xyz>",
    maxRetries: 1

const kafkaVPC = new awsx.ec2.Vpc("strimzi-kafka-vpc", {
        subnets: [{type: "public"}]
        provider: awsProvider

const strimziKafkaCluster = new eks.Cluster("strimzi-kafka", {
        vpcId: kafkaVPC.id,
        subnetIds: kafkaVPC.publicSubnetIds,
        storageClasses: "gp2",
        version: "1.18",
        deployDashboard: false,
        providerCredentialOpts: {
            profileName: "<http://stage.property.xyz|stage.property.xyz>"
        nodeGroupOptions: {
            instanceType: "t3.micro",
            spotPrice: "0.9",
            desiredCapacity: 3,
            minSize: 1,
            maxSize: 3
        provider: awsProvider,

const strimziNameSpace = new k8s.core.v1.Namespace("strimzi", undefined, {provider: strimziKafkaCluster.provider});

const strimziClusterOperator = new helm.v2.Chart("strimzi-kafka-operator", {
        fetchOpts: {
            repo: "<https://strimzi.io/charts/>"
        chart: "strimzi-kafka-operator",
        version: "0.20.0",
        namespace: strimziNameSpace.metadata.name
        provider: strimziKafkaCluster.provider,
        dependsOn: strimziNameSpace

export const kubeconfig = strimziKafkaCluster.kubeconfig;
this is the script now
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kubernetes:<http://rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1:RoleBinding|rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1:RoleBinding> (strimzi-u4ii175e/strimzi-cluster-operator-entity-operator-delegation):
    error: resource strimzi-u4ii175e/strimzi-cluster-operator-entity-operator-delegation was not successfully created by the Kubernetes API server : namespaces "strimzi-u4ii175e" not found
have the same error?
am I missing something @sticky-translator-17495?
I think the
should be set on all resources?
let me try
thanks mate
same thing
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+  kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment strimzi-u4ii175e/strimzi-cluster-operator creating Retry #5; creation failed: namespaces "strimzi-u4ii175e" not found
think I got it
is tehre any way to tell pulumi to not add anything to the name I gave
in other words
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strimzi-80rac5e7   Active   32s
I would like only to see strimzi
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❯ k get pods 
NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
strimzi-cluster-operator-7bb9fd9f7b-86w8m   1/1     Running   0          56s
@sticky-translator-17495 thanks again!