Can you “rate limit” deploys on k8s, or define ret...
# kubernetes
Can you “rate limit” deploys on k8s, or define retries/dependencies? I have a simple chart for a pull secret before 5 others. and just this one failed due some overload. All the rest deployed perfectly apart from one image that cannot be pulled.
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+  kubernetes:core/v1:Secret beta/ghcr-pull-secret creating error: configured Kubernetes cluster is unreachable: unable to load Kubernetes client configuration from kubeconfig file: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
 +  kubernetes:core/v1:Secret beta/ghcr-pull-secret **creating failed** error: configured Kubernetes cluster is unreachable: unable to load Kubernetes client configuration from kubeconfig file: invalid configuration: no configuration has been provided, try setting KUBERNETES_MASTER environment variable
did you try to use
@proud-pizza-80589 where did this error come from? Pulumi?
yeah, found it. So i created the pull secret on my computer, when my kubeconfig was configured correctly for the both the cluster and the namespace. That worked. But in moving my code to a CustomResource, i forgot to add the k8s provider. So anytime i was not connected to the right cluster/namespace this would fail with the error above.
awesome, glad you got it sorted!
figured it out when i created a namespace and 10 difficult helm charts deployed without a hitch, and this stupid secret complained about the namespace not existing.
at some point i’ll stop asking stupid questions 🙂
please keep them coming!