Anyone knows what the best way to deal with `Ingre...
# kubernetes
Anyone knows what the best way to deal with
Ingress .status.loadBalancer field was not updated with a hostname/IP address.
is? Running traefik 1.7 on k8s.
I don't fully understand it since the ingress is up and running, but for some reason it fails with the above message.
as a workaround I just skipped the waiting for success part with
your ingress should expose a service in your cloud provider which updates this field (like an ELB) - which cloud provider are you using?
I'm currently having to use skipAwait as well for traefik (helm install) set as loadbalancer/NLB on EKS. In production without issue on that front, but never could get the error to go away without skipawait
@billowy-army-68599, running k8s on azure with linkerd and traefik. I think it might be a configuration in traefik that is missing so the ingress never gets the status field set.. but this is me guessing. It doesn't seem to impact the ingress though since everything is working.