I'm following <this blog> for EKS cluster autoscal...
# kubernetes
I'm following this blog for EKS cluster autoscaling (with managed node groups) and it's not working. My nodes stay at 1 even though there are unscheduled pods. When comparing it to the steps AWS gives, the Pulumi blog is skipping over a bunch of resources to provision. Not sure if this blog is no longer applicable since it was published in 2019, or if there's something that I'm missing.
hey, the blog post is just describing creating managed node groups. The cluster autoscaler is a distinct add-on which needs to be provisioned outside our EKS package
I see, so this only satisfies the 3rd prerequisite in the AWS steps ? The blog might be a bit misleading with this statement
Managed Node Groups will automatically scale the EC2 instances powering your cluster
To me at least, it reads as if managed node groups will scale based on demand
yes it only satifies creating the groups. yes that's a little unclear, I agree.
ok thanks Lee!