quick question: is there a benefit to creating res...
# kubernetes
quick question: is there a benefit to creating resources with random suffixes (the default behavior with pulumi)?
It gives us a couple of things: • means that resource names don't collide (think S3 bucket names which need to be globally unique) • also means we can track the names and do replacement with no downtime More information here https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/resources/#autonaming
Obviously you can also specify a name if you don't want the autonaming
Cool thanks! I had seen the FAQ entry about it but this was way more informative
Just a little more colour of my own, a lot of cloud resource apis are immutable (s3 bucket names is one good example) which means if you want to change something about it, you have to delete the resource to replace it. Auto naming means we can do zero downtime replacement for a lot of those things