As far as I know, replacing a rg would be a delete...
# kubernetes
As far as I know, replacing a rg would be a delete/create operation in Azure, and deleting an RG deletes everything inside of it. This particular RG contains all of our lower environment control planes. I've tried to do a non-
and an
of the resource group and and the cli always shows as wanting to replace it. The
(when trying to
)doesn't seem to indicate why it wants to replace it.
Copy code
=>azure:core/resourceGroup:ResourceGroup: (import-replacement) 🔒
        name: "rg-kubernetes"
    +-azure:core/resourceGroup:ResourceGroup: (replace) 🔒
        [provider: urn:pulumi:dpts-shared::KubernetesCluster::pulumi:providers:azure::default_3_6_1::09b02d81-f05d-4347-a5d2-831be11283e0 => urn:pulumi:dpts-shared::KubernetesCluster::pulumi:providers:azure::default_3_52_1::output<string>]
        id      : "/subscriptions/ad73ec2e-0337-4de5-983c-3944fcb68be8/resourceGroups/rg-kubernetes"
        location: "centralus"
        name    : "rg-kubernetes"
Do you have any insights as to how I can get my pulumi app to not touch this resource-group? I've added the
statement to it and I've also added a
in the Azure Portal. I do NOT want to accidentally delete all of our control planes and subsequently delete all of the clusters.