todays puzzle…. working with kustomize directories...
# kubernetes
todays puzzle…. working with kustomize directories like :-
Copy code
# setup EFS CSI driver
    k8s_k_efscsi = k8s.kustomize.Directory(
works fine the first time but every subsequent
pulumi up
i get
Copy code
  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (aws_eks-itplat-aws-eks):
    error: update failed

  <> (<|>):
    warning: This resource contains Helm hooks that are not currently supported by Pulumi. The resource will be created, but any hooks will not be executed. Hooks support is tracked at <>
    warning: <|> is deprecated by <|>.
    error: resource <|> was not successfully created by the Kubernetes API server : <|> "<|>" already exists
i am presuming this is a logical vs physical name thing, but i cant see how to give the k8s.kustomize.Directory an absolute physical name
so it will be recognised as pre-existing